
Rundll32.exe Windows 8.1
Rundll32.exe Windows 8.1

Rundll32.exe Windows 8.1

Vista/Windows 7/8 users right-click and select Run As Administrator.Open the folder and double-click on autoruns.exe to launch it.Create a new folder on your hard drive called AutoRuns (C:\AutoRuns) and extract (unzip) the file there.

Rundll32.exe Windows 8.1

To resolve this, download AutoRuns and save it to your Desktop from this site: You need to remove this registry entry so Windows stops searching for the file when it loads. Since the file no longer exists, Windows will display an error message. However, an associated orphaned registry entry still remains and is telling Windows to load the file when you boot up. Windows is trying to load this file(s) but cannot locate it since the file was mostly likely removed during an anti-virus or anti-malware scan.

#Rundll32.exe Windows 8.1 .dll

dll file that was set to run at startup in the registry or as a scheduled task has been deleted. dll (Dynamic Link Library) modules which too can be legitimate or sometimes malware related. RunDLL is a legitimate Windows file that executes/loads.

Rundll32.exe Windows 8.1