
Sample opening prayer for nutrition month program
Sample opening prayer for nutrition month program

sample opening prayer for nutrition month program

For children, Christmas prayers can be fun and lighthearted.

sample opening prayer for nutrition month program

Give us strength, endurance, courage and agility as we … Dear Lord, we stand before you in humble prayer before we start with this program (state the title of the program-optional.) A Prayer for Those Involved in Sports.

sample opening prayer for nutrition month program

Opening Prayer For Program Sample Opening Prayer For Nutrition Month Program Sample Opening Prayer For Birthday Welcome to a better, longer life, starting rightnow in NutritionMonth!rightnow in NutritionMonth! invocation prayer for a sports banquet stufey de. 31 best sports banquet images on pinterest american. Some have been relatively easy, while others have required many hours of effort and thought. So into You hands we place this meeting, trusting You to lead and guide our meeting tonight and protect our school in the future, to Your praise and glory.For a baseball or football team), and there is also a prayer for a coach or supporters to say as a blessing over their players. Keep us ever humble before Your throne and give us the integrity to stand up for what we believe, in Jesus' name. We lift each member of staff to You and each child as well as every member of the board, and ask You continued blessing over each and every life and that they would seek Your wisdom and guidance, courage and strength in all issues and areas that touch their lives. Lord, grant us wisdom to move forward in a way that does not discredit Your name.

sample opening prayer for nutrition month program

We thank You that You have guarded and guided the development of the school for so long, and confess that today we are facing increasing pressures from outside, to conform in ways that go against so much of what Christianity stands for. We pray that You will give each one of us here present today, the wisdom to discuss the many important issues fully and to make our decisions wisely. Loving Heavenly Father, You are our gracious God and we pause before the start of this school board meeting to lift up our hearts to You in prayer and thanksgiving for all Your many mercies to us throughout the past months and years, and to seek Your face as we prepare to make plans for the future of our school Keep our hearts focused on You and may our praying be guided by Your Spirit so that we truly touch the throne of grace, not because of who we are, but because we approached You humbly and with clean hearts, seeking only to lift Your name and glorify Your person, so that You increase and we decrease, for You alone are worthy. Lead and guide us we pray, so that we are equipped to plead Your will and to partner with Your eternal purposes and plans through our prayers. Lord, we ask that we would not engage in vain repetitions or fleshly pleadings but become so in tune with Your heart that we are both enabled and empowered by Your Holy Spirit, to discover those issues into which You would have us pray about. We praise and thank You for the privilege we have of placing our prayers and petitions, our intercessions and thanksgiving, our request and pleadings before You, and ask that You would lead us and guide us in our prayers. Thank You, Lord, for bringing us together to join with each other in prayer and praise before Your throne of grace.

Sample opening prayer for nutrition month program